Daily Gosho Passage - 02 May
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2007-05-03 17:15:41 UTC
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo

There are countries where mere rocks are paid for with gold. There
are also nations where rice is sold to buy dirt. There are people
possessing a thousand pieces of gold who will die hungry. These
people are even more pitiful than the person who has nothing but a
single serving of rice.

Reply to Ueno-done;
Gosho, p. 1570

Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
Jim Heckler
2007-05-03 17:22:01 UTC
On Thu, 03 May 2007 12:15:41 -0500, Jim Heckler
Post by Jim Heckler
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
There are countries where mere rocks are paid for with gold. There
are also nations where rice is sold to buy dirt. There are people
possessing a thousand pieces of gold who will die hungry. These
people are even more pitiful than the person who has nothing but a
single serving of rice.
Reply to Ueno-done;
Gosho, p. 1570
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
This should have been dated the third (03) of May. I apologize not
only for this error, but for any that may follow. I am completely
strung out on medication, and sometime I don't think clearly. This is
a temporary situation, and I will soon be back to normal. So, until
then, please bear with me.


Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
