Daily Gosho Passage - 15 March
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2008-03-15 22:24:57 UTC
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo

...When I heard the news of his [Dozen-bo's] death, I felt as though,
whether I had to walk through fire or wade through water, I must rush
to his grave, pound on it, and recite a volume of the Lotus Sutra for
his sake. However, it often happens with worthy men that, although
they do not think of themselves as having retired from the world,
other people assume that they have, and therefore, if they were to
come rushing out of retreat for no good reason, people would suppose
that they had failed to accomplish their purpose. For this reason, no
matter how much I might wish to visit his grave, I feel that I cannot
do so.

Repaying Debts of Gratitude;
MWND, Vol. 4, p. 258

Nam – Myoho – Renge - Kyo
Jim Heckler
2008-03-15 22:27:15 UTC
Post by Jim Heckler
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
...When I heard the news of his [Dozen-bo's] death, I felt as though,
whether I had to walk through fire or wade through water, I must rush
to his grave, pound on it, and recite a volume of the Lotus Sutra for
his sake. However, it often happens with worthy men that, although
they do not think of themselves as having retired from the world,
other people assume that they have, and therefore, if they were to
come rushing out of retreat for no good reason, people would suppose
that they had failed to accomplish their purpose. For this reason, no
matter how much I might wish to visit his grave, I feel that I cannot
do so.
Repaying Debts of Gratitude;
MWND, Vol. 4, p. 258
Nam – Myoho – Renge - Kyo
Sorry folks, this should have been the passage for 16 March.
2008-03-15 23:26:49 UTC
Post by Jim Heckler
Post by Jim Heckler
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
...When I heard the news of his [Dozen-bo's] death, I felt as though,
whether I had to walk through fire or wade through water, I must rush
to his grave, pound on it, and recite a volume of the Lotus Sutra for
his sake. However, it often happens with worthy men that, although
they do not think of themselves as having retired from the world,
other people assume that they have, and therefore, if they were to
come rushing out of retreat for no good reason, people would suppose
that they had failed to accomplish their purpose. For this reason, no
matter how much I might wish to visit his grave, I feel that I cannot
do so.
Repaying Debts of Gratitude;
MWND, Vol. 4, p. 258
Nam – Myoho – Renge - Kyo
Sorry folks, this should have been the passage for 16 March.
Thanks, Jim!
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