Daily Gosho Passage - 01 June
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2007-06-18 02:05:29 UTC
am – Myoho – Renge – Kyo

Another passage from the Maka Shikan says, “There are six causes of
illness: 1) disharmony of the four elements; 2) immoderate eating or
drinking; 3) poor posture; 4) an attack by demons from without; 5) the
work of devils from within; and 6) the effects of karma...Even if one
has committed heavy slanders...their retribution can be lessened in
this life. Thus, illness occurs when evil karma is about to be

Curing Karmic Disease;
MWND, Vol. 2, p. 247

Nam – Myoho – Renge - Kyo
stash kowalskxzgky
2008-06-02 05:48:13 UTC
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo

If one were to liken the [retribution for the] five cardinal sins and
slander of the Law to illness, then the five cardinal sins would be
comparable to sunstroke, which affects one suddenly. Slander of the
Law, on the other hand, is like white leprosy, which does not appear
to be so serious at first, but bit by bit becomes very serious
indeed...When I, Nichiren, hold up the bright mirror of the Lotus
Sutra before my own person, all is spotlessly revealed, and there can
be no doubt that, in my previous existences, I was guilty of
slandering the Law. If in my present existence I do not wipe out that
offense, then in the future how can I escape the pains of hell?

Rebuking Slander of the Law
and Eradicating Sins;
MWND, Vol. 6, p. 55

Nam – Myoho – Renge - Kyo
Jim Heckler
2008-06-02 22:50:44 UTC
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo

I had no sooner uttered these words than the nation was suddenly faced
with internal revolt. Since the country has fallen into grave
disorder, then, although I may be a mere common mortal of no social
standing, so long as I uphold the Lotus Sutra, I deserve to be called
the foremost Great Man in all Japan at this time.

Selection of the Time;
MWND, Vol. 3, p. 175

Nam – Myoho – Renge - Kyo
Jim Heckler
2008-06-02 22:57:59 UTC
Post by stash kowalskxzgky
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
I had no sooner uttered these words than the nation was suddenly faced
with internal revolt. Since the country has fallen into grave
disorder, then, although I may be a mere common mortal of no social
standing, so long as I uphold the Lotus Sutra, I deserve to be called
the foremost Great Man in all Japan at this time.
Selection of the Time;
MWND, Vol. 3, p. 175
Nam – Myoho – Renge - Kyo
Guys, I'm sorry, this should have been 03 June. I sincerely apologize
if it caused any problems.

2008-06-03 00:24:16 UTC
Post by Jim Heckler
Post by stash kowalskxzgky
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
I had no sooner uttered these words than the nation was suddenly faced
with internal revolt. Since the country has fallen into grave
disorder, then, although I may be a mere common mortal of no social
standing, so long as I uphold the Lotus Sutra, I deserve to be called
the foremost Great Man in all Japan at this time.
Selection of the Time;
MWND, Vol. 3, p. 175
Nam – Myoho – Renge - Kyo
Guys, I'm sorry, this should have been 03 June. I sincerely apologize
if it caused any problems.
Hey Jim, er... "Stash"

Hope all is going well!
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
Jim Heckler
2008-06-04 04:05:09 UTC
As you may have noticed, the past few days my Gosho postings have not
been of the best quality. I thought I had recovered from my last round
of medications, but as is evidenced from my postings, I have not.

I am on a new rehab program, and the withdrawal from the old "goodies"
is not as fast as I have anticipated. It will be about another week
before I am stabilized on my new medication routine.

I apologize for any problems I may have created by the "really sloppy"
posts. I hope you will bear with me as I really want to get back to

Peace to all,


Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
