Daily Gosho Passage - 03 April
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2007-04-03 01:44:22 UTC
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo

The fact that you and I have been born in this defiled age of the
Latter Day of the Law, in the country of Japan in the southern
continent of Jambudvipa; that with the utmost reverence we chant with
our mouths Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the ultimate reason for which all
Buddhas appear in the world; that we have faith in it in our hearts,
embrace it with our bodies and delight in it with our hands---all of
this has come about, has it not, entirely as a result of some old bond
of karma from the past?

Reply to Sairen-bo;
MWND, Vol. 7, p. 21

Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
2007-04-03 02:12:36 UTC
Post by Jim Heckler
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
The fact that you and I have been born in this defiled age of the
Latter Day of the Law, in the country of Japan in the southern
continent of Jambudvipa; that with the utmost reverence we chant with
our mouths Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the ultimate reason for which all
Buddhas appear in the world; that we have faith in it in our hearts,
embrace it with our bodies and delight in it with our hands---all of
this has come about, has it not, entirely as a result of some old bond
of karma from the past?
Reply to Sairen-bo;
MWND, Vol. 7, p. 21
Nam – Myoho – Renge – Kyo
Welcome back, Jim
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