Daily Gosho Passage - 27 February
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2006-02-26 22:32:53 UTC
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo

Buddhism should be spread by the method of either shoju or shakubuku,
depending on the age. These are analogous to the two worldly arts of
the pen and the sword.

Letter from Sado
MWND, Vol. I, p. 34

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
heron stone
2006-02-27 01:56:17 UTC
Post by Jim Heckler
Buddhism should be spread by the method of either shoju or shakubuku,
depending on the age. These are analogous to the two worldly arts of
the pen and the sword.
Letter from Sado
MWND, Vol. I, p. 34
.buddhism should not be spread
.awakening is what is needed

.buddha had no buddhism to follow,
yet he managed to wake up

?what is required to wake up

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
2006-02-27 02:20:04 UTC
Post by heron stone
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
I feel nature calling as we speak...
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Mark P.
2006-02-27 04:30:26 UTC
Post by heron stone
.buddhism should not be spread
.awakening is what is needed
How do you suggest that a christian awaken then?
Post by heron stone
.buddha had no buddhism to follow,
yet he managed to wake up
So what are you practicing then?
Post by heron stone
?what is required to wake up
Ichinen Sanzen!

Mark Porter
"The mirror of our mind and the mirror of the Buddha's mind are in fact the same mirror."
Try the new refined search feature on 175 Gosho at
heron stone
2006-02-27 07:37:26 UTC
Post by Mark P.
Post by heron stone
.buddhism should not be spread
.awakening is what is needed
How do you suggest that a christian awaken then?
.i don't suggest christians awaken

.everyone who wants to be awake... IS AWAKE

?who wakes up
Post by Mark P.
Post by heron stone
.buddha had no buddhism to follow,
yet he managed to wake up
So what are you practicing then?
.i work at debugging my language machine


unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
