Daily Gosho Passage - 18 April
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2006-04-17 21:03:21 UTC
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo

Though the moon is beautiful, the full splendor of its light can only
be seen in autumn. Though the cherry blossoms are lovely, they open
only in spring. All things are regulated by the time.

Letter to Myomitsu Shonin
MWND, Vol. V, p. 194

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
Nrdo Hesson
2006-04-18 01:24:02 UTC
Post by Jim Heckler
Though the moon is beautiful, the full splendor of its light can only
be seen in autumn.
just curious...

?what's different about the moon in autumn

?why is it that only then may i see its full splendor

If you know who you are, Nrdo Hesson
you know who I am. ***@yahoo.com