Daily Gosho Passage - 20 March
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2006-03-19 23:51:55 UTC
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo

Should you depart from this life before I do, you should report to
Bonten, Taishaki, the Four Great Heavenly Kings and Great King Emma.
Declare yourself to be a disciple of the priest Nichiren, the foremost
votary of the Lotus Sutra in Japan. Then they cannot possibly treat
you discourteously.

Encouragement to a Sick Person
MWND, Vol. VI, p. 33

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
Nrdo Hesson
2006-03-20 02:19:51 UTC
Post by Jim Heckler
Should you depart from this life before I do, you should report to
Bonten, Taishaki, the Four Great Heavenly Kings and Great King Emma.
Declare yourself to be a disciple of the priest Nichiren, the foremost
votary of the Lotus Sutra in Japan. Then they cannot possibly treat
you discourteously.
Encouragement to a Sick Person
MWND, Vol. VI, p. 33

.i'm curious

?do you actually believe all this stuff literally

If you know who you are, Nrdo Hesson
you know who I am. ***@yahoo.com