Daily Gosho Passage - 22 March
(too old to reply)
Jim Heckler
2006-03-22 00:35:25 UTC
Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo

If only you chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, then what offense could fail to
be eradicated? What blessing could fail to come? This is the truth,
and it is of great profundity. You should believe and accept it.

Conversation Between a Sage
and an Unenlightened Man
MWND, Vol. V, p.110

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo
Nrdo Hesson
2006-03-22 20:52:04 UTC
Post by Jim Heckler
If only you chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, then what offense could fail to
be eradicated? What blessing could fail to come? This is the truth,
and it is of great profundity. You should believe and accept it.
Conversation Between a Sage
and an Unenlightened Man
MWND, Vol. V, p.110
be a good little sheep
do and believe as you're told
bob loves when you do that
If you know who you are, Nrdo Hesson
you know who I am. ***@yahoo.com
2006-03-22 23:35:10 UTC
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Jim Heckler
If only you chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, then what offense could fail to
be eradicated? What blessing could fail to come? This is the truth,
and it is of great profundity. You should believe and accept it.
Conversation Between a Sage
and an Unenlightened Man
MWND, Vol. V, p.110
be a good little sheep
do and believe as you're told
bob loves when you do that
How about Nerdo?
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Nrdo Hesson
2006-03-23 03:05:45 UTC
Post by Kurt
How about Nerdo?
.i don't care how you spell it... as long as
you pronounce it correctly

If you know who you are, Nrdo Hesson
you know who I am. ***@yahoo.com
2006-03-23 15:48:38 UTC
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
How about Nerdo?
.i don't care how you spell it... as long as
you pronounce it correctly
Sorry about the vowel.
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heron stone
2006-03-24 08:37:29 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
How about Nerdo?
.i don't care how you spell it... as long as
you pronounce it correctly
Sorry about the vowel.
?did i misinterpret your remark
.i thought you were suggesting i spell my name with
an "e"

?were you asking instead if nrdo does/believes
as he's told... or anything at all

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
2006-03-24 15:56:13 UTC
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
How about Nerdo?
.i don't care how you spell it... as long as
you pronounce it correctly
Sorry about the vowel.
?did i misinterpret your remark
.i thought you were suggesting i spell my name with
an "e"
?were you asking instead if nrdo does/believes
as he's told... or anything at all
Religion should be a voyage of discovery where no one does as they are
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Nrdo Hesson
2006-03-24 21:33:38 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
How about Nerdo?
.i don't care how you spell it... as long as
you pronounce it correctly
Sorry about the vowel.
?did i misinterpret your remark
.i thought you were suggesting i spell my name with
an "e"
?were you asking instead if nrdo does/believes
as he's told... or anything at all
Religion should be a voyage of discovery where no one does as they are
.well sometimes i do as i'm told... when i'm dealing
with experts who know a lot more about my transmission
than i do
.but those are special circumstances

.in the arena of religion/epistemology/etc., i figure it's
between me and bob
.i consider other peoples' opinions in my calculations
(less and less these days)

.your opinion seems to be at odds with what little i know
of nichiren

If you know who you are, Nrdo Hesson
you know who I am. ***@yahoo.com
2006-03-24 22:00:32 UTC
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
How about Nerdo?
.i don't care how you spell it... as long as
you pronounce it correctly
Sorry about the vowel.
?did i misinterpret your remark
.i thought you were suggesting i spell my name with
an "e"
?were you asking instead if nrdo does/believes
as he's told... or anything at all
Religion should be a voyage of discovery where no one does as they are
.well sometimes i do as i'm told... when i'm dealing
with experts who know a lot more about my transmission
than i do
.but those are special circumstances
.in the arena of religion/epistemology/etc., i figure it's
between me and bob
.i consider other peoples' opinions in my calculations
(less and less these days)
.your opinion seems to be at odds with what little i know
of nichiren
"What little I know" being the operative term.
You take a cheap shot at the quote, but yet profess to following experts
that you consider more knowledgeable than you.
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Nrdo Hesson
2006-03-25 01:21:31 UTC
Post by Kurt
"What little I know" being the operative term.
You take a cheap shot at the quote, but yet profess to following experts
that you consider more knowledgeable than you.
.well, they may be inexpensive, but that doesn't
necessarily mean they are not cogent or worthy
of examination

If you know who you are, Nrdo Hesson
you know who I am. ***@yahoo.com
2006-03-25 04:36:13 UTC
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
"What little I know" being the operative term.
You take a cheap shot at the quote, but yet profess to following experts
that you consider more knowledgeable than you.
.well, they may be inexpensive, but that doesn't
necessarily mean they are not cogent or worthy
of examination
Rationalize it all you want.
What does expense have to do with this?

Whatever you're trying to communicate, you ain't doing it well...
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heron stone
2006-03-25 07:11:35 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
"What little I know" being the operative term.
You take a cheap shot at the quote, but yet profess to following experts
that you consider more knowledgeable than you.
.well, they may be inexpensive, but that doesn't
necessarily mean they are not cogent or worthy
of examination
Rationalize it all you want.
What does expense have to do with this?
.you're the one who called the shots "cheap"
Post by Kurt
Whatever you're trying to communicate, you ain't doing it well...
.since you don't have a clue what my intentions are,
how can you possible determine whether i'm doing
well or not

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
2006-03-25 17:23:17 UTC
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by Nrdo Hesson
Post by Kurt
"What little I know" being the operative term.
You take a cheap shot at the quote, but yet profess to following experts
that you consider more knowledgeable than you.
.well, they may be inexpensive, but that doesn't
necessarily mean they are not cogent or worthy
of examination
Rationalize it all you want.
What does expense have to do with this?
.you're the one who called the shots "cheap"
Post by Kurt
Whatever you're trying to communicate, you ain't doing it well...
.since you don't have a clue what my intentions are,
how can you possible determine whether i'm doing
well or not
Precisely my point. If you want your intentions understood, you'll need
to communicate them so that others understand.
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heron stone
2006-03-25 19:23:08 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Whatever you're trying to communicate, you ain't doing it well...
.since you don't have a clue what my intentions are,
how can you possible determine whether i'm doing
well or not
Precisely my point. If you want your intentions understood, you'll need
to communicate them so that others understand.
.perhaps i'm not interested in being understood at all
.understanding is the booby prize in epistemology

.maybe i'm interested in undermining understandings
already in place in a majority of "believers"...
so that they can learn to distinguish between
"what is" from "how i think/talk about what is"

.you might have heard this before... reality is ineffable

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
2006-03-25 20:35:02 UTC
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Whatever you're trying to communicate, you ain't doing it well...
.since you don't have a clue what my intentions are,
how can you possible determine whether i'm doing
well or not
Precisely my point. If you want your intentions understood, you'll need
to communicate them so that others understand.
.perhaps i'm not interested in being understood at all
You're doing a wonderful job, I might add.
Post by heron stone
.understanding is the booby prize in epistemology
The topic of all the groups you cross post to in Nichiren Buddhism, not
Post by heron stone
.maybe i'm interested in undermining understandings
already in place in a majority of "believers"...
so that they can learn to distinguish between
"what is" from "how i think/talk about what is"
.you might have heard this before... reality is ineffable
To the untrained eye, with your misplaced punctuation, and oblique,
snide remarks, you come off as someone more interested in pretense.

How about ditching the goofy screen persona and having a real discussion
about Nichiren Buddhism?
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heron stone
2006-03-27 01:09:47 UTC
Post by Kurt
How about ditching the goofy screen persona and having a real discussion
about Nichiren Buddhism?
.because i'm not interested in buddhism, nichiren or otherwise
.i'm interested in awakening

.it's a good thing buddha didn't have buddhism to follow

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
2006-03-27 02:13:47 UTC
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
How about ditching the goofy screen persona and having a real discussion
about Nichiren Buddhism?
.because i'm not interested in buddhism, nichiren or otherwise
.i'm interested in awakening
.it's a good thing buddha didn't have buddhism to follow
Your apparent need for self-gratification is a whole lot more consuming
than your desire for any real "spiritual awakening."

The door is open if you want to discuss Nichiren Buddhism.
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heron stone
2006-03-27 04:30:44 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
.because i'm not interested in buddhism, nichiren or otherwise
.i'm interested in awakening
.it's a good thing buddha didn't have buddhism to follow
Your apparent need for self-gratification is a whole lot more consuming
than your desire for any real "spiritual awakening."
The door is open if you want to discuss Nichiren Buddhism.

?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
2006-03-27 04:52:21 UTC
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
.because i'm not interested in buddhism, nichiren or otherwise
.i'm interested in awakening
.it's a good thing buddha didn't have buddhism to follow
Your apparent need for self-gratification is a whole lot more consuming
than your desire for any real "spiritual awakening."
The door is open if you want to discuss Nichiren Buddhism.
?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.
What do you think?
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heron stone
2006-03-27 08:31:14 UTC
I> > ok...
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.
What do you think?
.what i think is irrelevant
?what do you think

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
2006-03-27 09:13:52 UTC
Post by heron stone
I> > ok...
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.
What do you think?
.what i think is irrelevant
?what do you think
unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
Infatuated with yourself. Perverse. Covetous. Naive. Pinhead.

2006-03-27 15:36:30 UTC
Post by Yelps
Post by heron stone
I> > ok...
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.
What do you think?
.what i think is irrelevant
?what do you think
unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
Infatuated with yourself. Perverse. Covetous. Naive. Pinhead.
We do agree on something, but I would say pretense more than anything
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heron stone
2006-03-27 19:41:03 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by Yelps
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.
What do you think?
.what i think is irrelevant
?what do you think
Infatuated with yourself. Perverse. Covetous. Naive. Pinhead.
We do agree on something, but I would say pretense more than anything
.so you don't want to answer the question...

?are you seeking enlightenment or merely
an end of suffering

unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
must be obeyed. mailto:***@gendo.net
2006-03-27 22:42:06 UTC
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by Yelps
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.
What do you think?
.what i think is irrelevant
?what do you think
Infatuated with yourself. Perverse. Covetous. Naive. Pinhead.
We do agree on something, but I would say pretense more than anything
.so you don't want to answer the question...
?are you seeking enlightenment or merely
an end of suffering
Read up on Buddhism. Enlightenment
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2006-03-28 04:50:27 UTC
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by Yelps
Post by heron stone
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.
What do you think?
.what i think is irrelevant
?what do you think
Infatuated with yourself. Perverse. Covetous. Naive. Pinhead.
We do agree on something, but I would say pretense more than anything
.so you don't want to answer the question...
?are you seeking enlightenment or merely
an end of suffering
Oh shut up.


2006-03-27 15:38:46 UTC
Post by Yelps
Post by heron stone
I> > ok...
Post by Kurt
Post by heron stone
?are you awake/liberated/enlightened/etc.
What do you think?
.what i think is irrelevant
?what do you think
unDO email address
Nature, heron stone
to be commanded, http://www.gendo.net
Infatuated with yourself. Perverse. Covetous. Naive. Pinhead.
Half troll, half poser is also appropriate
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